Jasmine Fragrance

Jasmine is a very fragrant flower plant. Many different varieties of Jasmine exist, with flowers having a different but typical Jasmine odour. The most popular Jasmine flower varieties are SAMBAC and GRANDIFLORUM, which exist throughout India and many other parts of the world like China , Egypt etc. Jasmine flowers are universally known and liked and appreciated. The Jasmine oil , obtained from the flowers is by Pomade or Enfleurage process, and solvent extraction. Jasmine flowers/oil, has a very warm, exotic and narcotic odour. The odour is extremely pleasing and creates a feel good factor within ,on smelling. Jasmine in its natural form is a part of some of the world's greatest and well known perfumes.
Jasmine oil or absolute as it is called or a top class Jasmine fragrance , created by perfumers, will be part of a complex top selling perfume.and not to forget its presence in ATTARS. As we all know, a classic great selling perfume is a combination of different ingredients , used in different proportions , and Jasmine will almost always be one of its components. Jasmine is always appreciated as as single floral fragrance or as a part of a complex great fragrance, and many times we would not even be aware that Jasmine is part of this perfume. Of course, the aroma of natural ,extracted absolute is familiar but unbeatable and unusual.But would the oil be affordable to use in everyday life?
Considering the cost involved, maybe no. It takes about 1250 kgs of flowers, or a few million blossoms to produce one kg of this Jasmine amber Coloured liquid or absolute. Hence fragrance houses create various Jasmine fragrances, similar in odour to the Various varieties of Jasmine and their perfumers create many Jasmine notes from the ingredients available to them. Hence technology makes Jasmine fragrance affordable for customers to use in various applications. MULTIFLORA has created JASMIN PETALS, a very mellow Jasmine note with fresh and penetrating odour, for the use in general for various applications and a very reasonable price.
The importance of Jasmine absolute in Fine perfumes and Jasmine fragrances created by talented perfumers, can not be measured in the industry. It would be impossible to get so much Jasmine oil to use, and at price , which is affordable. Because we find Jasmine present in soaps,cosmetics ,toiletries, household fragrances. This is where perfumers of fragrance houses come in to play , to create amazing Jasmine fragrances to satisfy an ever increasing demand for such fragrances. Today, in age of sophisticated fragrances, Jasmine will always form part of perfumes, which are adaptations of fine notes, to be used in body lotions, cologne perfumes, toilet waters , the list is endless. We can say, that Jasmine is a great fragrance experience by itself.